Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Girl Nude Pix Leaks Few Days To Her Wedding

I can't imagine why ladies of nowadays would not just learn how to be a little bit decent in their dealings, because if they do, things will be a lot more easier for them. But will they listen?
This is another casualty of yesterday's stupid act, coming to hunt today's beautiful expectations. Her boyfriend is not in anyway aware that she used to be a runs girl who send her private photos to men to entice them into doing things with her and paying her for her "service".

The guy proposed marriage to her and their wedding comes up in few weeks, when one of her husband to be sister, stumbled on a pix that look like her brother's wife-to-be online. At a close look, it was discovered she is the one.
She is now begging the guy to forgive her that it was a mistake of the past.
Hope this will send a message to the ladies in the house.

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