Thursday, 11 September 2014

Assembly Of World's First 3D Printed Car Called Strati Nearing Completion In Chicago

3D printed car, called Strati
The US-based Local Motors company is nearing assembly completion of the world's first 3D printed automobile at the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago, Local Motors official website informs. "Day three of the 3D printed car build included the beginning of the third and final phase: rapid assembly. At the end of yesterday, the Strati was about 40% complete including the installation of the front suspension, battery, motor, and steering rack," the company's website stated Wednesday night.

On Thursday the car will be fully assembled at the show. The first test drive of the hi-tech vehicle will take place on September 13. The 3D printed car, called "Strati" will only use some of the mechanical components, such as the motor, battery, wiring and suspension from third-party suppliers. The car will consist of only 47 parts and will be able to run as fast as 65 kilometers per hour.

International Manufacturing Technology Show is held once every two years since 1927 in Chicago's McCormick Place, largest convention center in America. In 2012, over 100,000 attendees and 1,900 exhibitors visited the show.

The hi-tech printing technology, also called additive manufacturing, saw its development in the 1980s. As the printers market grows and the prices fall, more companies use the technology in architecture, construction, engineering and medical industries.

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