Monday 4 November 2013

The entertainment industry is dulling our inteligence

The Nigerian entertainment industry, as well as the Nigerian government and society, is greatly contributing to the falling standard of education in Nigeria. Children and adults, over the years, believes in printed and electronic media and hold it so dear, whatever they see or hear on TV and read in newspapers.

Before now, entertainers like Zebrudaya Okeke alias 4:30, Jaguar, etc enlivened the industry and provoked laughter, while infecting the learning environment with wrong grammatical expressions, sounds and idioms.

For example, “More grease to your elbow” is a bastardised version of “More power to your elbow”; “Cut your coat according to your size” instead of “Cut your coat according to your cloth”; “Action speak louder than voice” instead of “Actions speak louder than words”; “The devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know” instead of “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know”; and “Half bread is better than none” instead of “Half a loaf is better than no bread.”

These are a few examples of English expressions that have been bastardised as a result of our contact with the entertainment industry.

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