Wednesday, 13 August 2014

OMG!!! See Photo Of A Dead Dolphin With Two-Head Washed Up On Turkish Beach

The two-headed dolphin corpse (Tugrul Metin)
This may look strange to you but it is fact. Tugrul Metin a teacher who went on holidays said when he first saw the dolphin washing ashore at Izmir, on Turkey's western coast, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. "I've never even heard about a dolphin like this, let alone seen one with my own eyes. I was completely shocked," he told UK paper the Daily Mail.

The dolphin's body was only about a metre-long, making it about a year old. One of the heads' eyes weren't completely opened, and nor was one of the blowholes, according to local reports. Associate Professor Mehmet Gokoglu of Ak Deniz University in Antalya, southern Turkey, has expressed interest in looking at the remains.

"Such a dolphin is a very rare occurrence similar to the occurrence of conjoined human twins." Last year a number of two-headed animals made headlines, including a kitten named 'Duecy' and a turtle dubbed 'Thelma and Louise'.

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